
Aftermarket Assassins Polaris RZR XP Turbo/Turbo S Water Cooled Big Turbo w/Pro XP Housing

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Aftermarket Assassins Polaris RZR XP Turbo/Turbo S Water Cooled Big Turbo w/Pro XP Housing

  • New for October 2022: Our proven turbo now uses larger AR housings like the Pro XP turbo for even more flow and less back pressure. We went with the larger housings after testing and finding that with the correct tune adjustments this turbo can spool just as fast as our standard water cooled turbo offered for years. The biggest difference from our original water cooled turbo is the even further reduced exhaust backpressure, which helps resist a knock event (timing retard/slight drop of power) on the same fuel/octane. This is especially true for higher pressure tunes over 24-25 PSI and where you will see the most difference. If you build your motor with a billet crankshaft and use our wastegate with 14-17 PSI crack pressure, this turbo will build up to 29-30 PSI of boost on our Race tunes. However, it will also trail ride on a Level 2 91 octane tune and be wicked fun and reliable for those just looking for a good replacement turbo.
  • New Pro XP Style housings with an XPT style center section utilizing tucked water lines to make installation Much easier than installing an OEM Pro XP turbocharger. Pro XP turbos require cutting shields, a new drain tube, and all around slight fitment issues. This turbo still requires a bit of routing with the lines but installs much easier than an actual OEM Pro XP turbocharger.
  • Ready to step up to the next level on your XP Turbo/Turbo S and gain some serious power? Up to 300+ crank horsepower with a built engine and our Race 110 octane or E85 tunes! This complete bolt-on, water cooled turbo is just what you need for up to 28-29 PSI of boost! This water cooled turbo is similar to what is used on the Pro XP/Turbo S/Pro S models as the water cooling feature helps keep charge temps extremely cool and consistent. This makes for more sustained power along with cooler engine and exhaust temps. Intake charge temps skyrocket quickly on the factory turbo when increasing boost, whereas with our larger compressor housing water cooled turbo, charge temps will be lower… even at boost temps over 25 PSI! Now that we are moving more air on the intake side, we need to get that air out quicker. This turbocharger includes a high flow 10 blade exhaust turbine with a larger bore to decrease back pressure and heat buildup in the engine. Heat buildup on the exhaust side is another HUGE issue with the factory turbo. What’s essentially happening is you are running out of exhaust flow and that makes more power very hard to produce. With this high flow turbine, we can increase boost and see a healthy increase in horsepower with our tuning on pump gas and race fuels. The factory wastegate is also a big problem as it’s very weak and, as time goes on, the spring only gets weaker. Building boost with a weak wastegate can produce inconsistent results, hot charge temps, and turbo overheating – which leads to decreased turbo life. We install a high pressure wastegate actuator complete with a new bracket for better support. Our wastegate has extremely consistent results, holds a huge amount of boost, and is a key component in this turbo upgrade working so well. Each turbo is fully balanced and set up from a professional turbocharger manufacturer.
  • ECU Type/o2 Color drop down choice: 2017-18 models ALL have the standard black lead. In 2019+ models blue o2 leads are wideband models and we must know this. These models are a different ECU type and will NOT do an ECU read (we supply your stock file). For more information on this, see this link:
  • Requires AA custom tunes built specifically for this turbo.
  • Wastegate crack pressure is 7 PSI
  • OEM turbo inducer is 36mm. The AA turbo is 44mm.
  • OEM turbo compressor wheel is 50mm. The AA turbo is a 60mm billet wheel.
  • OEM turbine (exhaust) wheel is 11 blade 39mm. The AA turbo is a 10 blade 44mm
  • Much larger AR housings (snails of the turbo) vs. factory
  • Stainless steel turbine housing has greater corrosion resistance and is less likely to crack like the OEM housing
  • Stock like drivability!
  • Gain another 12-15 RWHP on pump gas tunes over the factory turbo
  • See Thisarticle on our turbo mod vs. water cooled turbo vs. the Pro XP turbo
  • Big gains in low end performance and crazy high end gains on longer pulls (this mod does not fade off anywhere near as much as the factory setup)
  • Lower EGT (Exhaust temps) due to higher exhaust flow
  • Lower intake temps before and after the intercooler
  • More efficient turbo all around which is easier on the turbo and motor
  • A must have if you ride in higher elevations where the stock turbo struggles to create boost
  • Our test results on our 2019 Turbo S Show 137-138rwhp. A standard XPT has less aggressive clutching and will show 134-135rwhp stock.
  • Testing results on the dyno have not been ran again since using the Pro XP housings, only field testing where we do all tune finalization. From knowing how the Pro XP dynos compared to our WC turbo setup, it’s safe to say we are modest on horsepower gains listed below, and actual results are most likely 5-10% higher, especially on Level 4 and higher.
  • The Level 2 turbo upgrade tune is a very safe 16-17 PSI 91 octane tune, good to run on any 91 oxy/ethanol. This tune produces 155-160 RWHP peak(calculated 195 crank hp), but will pull much harder and keep that horsepower maintained much better than the stock turbo.
  • The Level 3 turbo upgrade tune offers 18-20 PSI and is also meant to run on 91-93 octane fuel. This produces 175 RWHP (calculated 220 crank hp) and comes on unbelievably strong, and keeps pulling. Those with 91 non ethanol, or 93 even with ethanol will be fine on straight gas. Those with oxygenated 91 might want to think about adding splash of race fuel or VP Octanium/boostane fuel additive.
  • The Level 4 turbo upgrade tune is for 98-100 octane fuel. This will produce 185-187 RWHP (calculated 240 crank hp) at 22-23 PSI and hauls the mail! Most will mix race fuel with pump fuel to get the 100 octane which is what we recommend. A can of Octanium/boostane to your tank will also work with this tune.
  • The Level 5 turbo upgrade tune is for 110 octane fuel and simply drops the hammer! You’ll have everyone wondering what is done to your RZR with this bad ass tune. A huge 25-26 PSI of boost that comes on HARD. This tune produces 200-205+ RWHP (calculated 250-260 crank horsepower) on our dyno, and has shown 215-220 on customer dynos. We normally run this tune on 110 leaded fuel. Leaded fuel is harder on O2 sensors but we have not had much of an issue. We would suggest picking up another O2 sensor, or an O2 blockoff to keep around.
  • The Level 6 E-85 turbo upgrade tune is simply unbelievable. Very similar to the 110 tune power, but runs on cheap corn (E85) fuel! This can also be ran on VP or other E85 fuels. This fuel makes the motor run cooler and it absolutely loves it. If using pump E-85, make sure you are between 70-85% ethanol for this tune. 25-26 PSI with a wicked timing curve that produces the same 200-205 RWHP. This tune requires our 1200cc injectors and our high flow fuel pump. Selecting Level 6 will result in all tunes being built to run 1200cc injectors. You Must run the 1200cc injectors with all tunes if selecting this option.
  • IF you have a race built motor with a billet crank, or just want to see what your OEM motor will handle, we have race level 5 & 6 at 28-30psi we can custom build. Please contact us if this is something you are after.
  • Requires a high flow intake tube as the OEM will not fit over our larger inlet. The AA aluminum intake tube or other silicone intake tubes meant for the stock turbo will work, but be tight. The best option is to use the AA intake tube with our larger coupler (this is an option).
  • Supported mods needed for all levels: AA big turbo tunes for PV, AA high flow intake tube, AA high flow charge tube, AA S3 clutch kit, AA blow off valve, AA slip-on exhaust or a slip-on exhaust that is free flowing. Power levels are shown with the AA exhaust with no quiet core installed. Supporting mods for level 4: Level 4 can be run on the same supporting mods as above, but you Need the Pre airbox intake tube . We suggest having our oil catch can and tightening the head bolts to 85ft-lbs OR adding head studs. Many have run level 4 without head studs or the catch can, but we suggest it for motor safety.
  • Additional supporting mods needed to run level 5-6: Tighten head bolts to 85ft-lbs or install ARP studs to 85ft-lbs (95 if using custom age 625+ studs), gap plugs to .020″, catch can (version 3 is highly suggested), and pre airbox intake tube is needed!
  • 2016 models will need our 2017 style injectors and upgraded fuel pump for level 2-5. If wanting to upgrade to E85 big turbo tunes, you will need our 1200cc injectors and fuel pump. If going with the 1200cc injectors, we’d build all of your tunes for those injectors.
  • Turbo kit includes: Complete balanced AA water cooled turbocharger with stainless turbine housing, water lines, and instructions
  • Water Cooled Turbo w/Pro XP Housing fits all 2016-2021 RZR XP Turbo Turbo S Models See instructions HERE


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